Time to dive in a different pool - the Alanic Culture, 7-9th c

Current world events are shaping a lot of things right now, and that includes access to reference material.

For the time being while my heart is incredibly sad for the people of Ukraine, I am turning my eyes to the Alanic Culture, which is early period (7 to 9th c), and returning to getting my rapier gear into shape.

The main inspiration is from this Mini Kaftan in the Hermitage, Moschevaya Balka, the Senmurv Kaftan, and the collection of Alanic material at the Met.

I do have some silk printing planned for the interior of the garment, stamp commissioned and on its way.

Did I mention the Alanic collection at the met also includes textile equipment? Weaving goodies? No? There will be more geeking on this later as I swim deeper into the pool.