Bayeaux Inspired Bag - The Spinner & Foxes

Bayeaux Inspired Bag - Started February 2018, Work In Progress

Stem Stitch Outline
Earlier this year I attended the Academy of St. Clare of Assisi in Aethelmearc one of the classes was Bayeaux Basics, taught by Mistress Filipia Caprioti. The technique is composed of such simple stitches and provides such gratifying coverage I was hooked. Foxes being one of my favorite things, I found a design through Pinterest that was originally created and shared on that I transfered to the canvas using prick and pounce.  I made a few alterations on the paws, they will be holding things when I'm finished. The center figure is done freehand, inspired by my own persona and Mokosh in turn. All the stem stitching is done along with the outline stitching. I will be starting the laidwork shortly, but wanted to make sure I showed how it looks with just the initial stitching completed.

**UPDATE** I started the laidwork, it's gratifyingly fuzzy.